Monday, September 7, 2009

Some stuff for adults

Friday I stopped by the library and found James Patterson's Swimsuit on the shelf. Fluff for a Saturday at the beach. I read it and then wondered what exactly a shrink would say about Patterson and his collaborators - they weave these stories of evil and once you pick up the book you're engaged, whether you like it or not (which begs the question why do I keep going back for more).

One book I finished and highly recommend if you're looking to make a change in your life is Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward by James O. Prochaska, John Norcross, and Carlo DiClement. It's a fascinating look at how people change and reassuring in it's simplicity. Great food for thought (ie. change isn't linear), it offers simple suggestions on how to make meaningful change.

I was at Barnes and Noble on Friday night and I stopped by the New Biography section and found a memoir by David Small, a children's book illustrator. Why is this memoir different? He wrote it graphically. It is a very quick, heart wrenching read. The reason I mention it is because some scoff at whether or not graphic novels are "real" books. Can a graphic novel adequately tell a story? If you read Stitches there will be no doubt.

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