Sunday, September 26, 2010

Three books for a Sunday

I knew I hadn't posted in a while (the whole neck thing has definitely slowed me down) but didn't realize it's been as long as it has. That's not to say I haven't been reading, I have. Just not as much as usual. Here are three books I've made my way through recently...with more to come.

Mentor A Memoir by Tom Grimes is the third best book I've read about the writing process (Stephen King's On Writing and Ann LaMott's Bird by Bird are a bit better, in my opinion). In Mentor, Grimes chronicles his friendship with writer Frank Conroy, his personal struggles as a writer and his battle with anxiety. It is an incredibly honest book and Grimes chooses each word carefully (as Conroy taught him). I found it dragging a bit toward the end. And slightly depressing.

Dirty Sexy Politics by Meghan McCain was an interesting read. John McCain's daughter, a graduate of Columbia University, is no dope. She speaks frankly about her experiences on the campaign trail, how she was treated and how the republican party needs desperately to change in order to be more appealing to her generation. It is a memoir as much as it is a plea for tolerance and acceptance - two things republicans, as a whole, aren't particularly good at.

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, the third and final book in The Hunger Games Trilogy, was as head shaking as the first two. I will not attempt to recap the story as I cannot do it justice. To say it is about survival of the fittest isn't fair. Collins has weaved intricate and dynamic relationships in a world where fear is foremost in everyone's mind. Unlike Gregor which is a great elementary series, Hunger Games is most definitely a middle school and beyond book (I heard about the series from an adult who said, "It's the best worst book I've ever read,").

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